NAAG MANI...............NAAG  DEVTA.........

"Nagmani" is nothing Now does it have any special powers, I have not seen or exprerienced it personally. What I have seen is  snakes dancing with eachother. This happened  approximately10 years back,  In the plot next to my friend's house we saw these 2 snakes moving & swaying in a way that looked like they were dancing. My friends mom asked us not to distrub them & we had to move away from there..........The pujari every now & then wipes the place beneath & behind the idol with a rod wrapped with cloth. My mom says that this gap was much more when she was a kid.................

Now if this can happen, why can't the story of nagmani & nagiins be true.
 Wer'e so sure that every thing the west says is true & our history is just mythology. Even Ramayan/Mahabharat is mythology just because it happened so manu years back. This is just so sad.................

I'm not asking you asks to blindily believe our Culture, but saying that it's a mythof nature.......................

I can go on & on but I'll end here.........
 there are really naag mani in the world there is temple in india where their you can see real naagmani in the early of the day. people said that there are two snake who protect the naagmani. i think naagmani was exit in when mahabharat was happen beacuse ravan son get married with the naagin so i think there wiil be naag mani but i dont know where u can go to see but in am sure there is one place in india where that shive temple have nagmani